Sunday 10 April 2011

Auidence Feedback

Evaluation Question 7

View more presentations from Hiten Vara

Preliminary Task - School Magazine - Front Cover

Preliminary Task - School Magazine - Contents

This is the content page I constructed for my preliminary task.

Preliminary Task - Rejected Images

These are the images I had taken originally but however deemed them not suitable.

Preliminary Task - Chosen Images

This is the Image I had chosen to be on the front cover of my school magazine I then took this image and edited on Photoshop.

Evaluation Question 6

Evaluation Question 5

Evaluation Question 4

Evaluation Question 3

Question 3

Evaluation Question 2

Evaluation Question 1

Thursday 7 April 2011

Production log

Having now completed constructing my front cover contents page and double page spread I will now go on and evaluate my media product. I will do this by getting some audience feedback.

Completed Media Product

Final Double Page Spread

This is my final double page spread I have now cheeked all the sealing and grammar mistakes and changed the colour of the title so it is more suited to the page I also created a shadow on the title to helping it to stand out more.

Construction of Double Page Spread

Doubble Page Rejected Images

Chosen Images

Double Page Drafts 3

Here I have made the previous amendments where I have changed the front of my main title; also I have rearranged the text helping to fill any blank spots previously seen. I have changed the colour of my floating quote to the same colour of the sitar helping to tie the pages together. For my finial double page spread I will have to proof read my work cheeking for any spelling and grammar mistakes. I will also have to change the colour of the main title in order for it to stand out.

Double Page Drafts 2

In this draft I have made some amendments such as the background colour. I have also added a sofa for the artist to sit on; the sofa is a tradition sofa that most sitar artist use, relating it back to the theme of my magazine. After constructing this draft and comparing it to the previous I prefer the page without a background, also my teacher also advised me to not have the same colour scheme in all three of my pages, so I have opted to go with a plane background as I think it makes the page look more supplicated. The amendments I will make is changing the background back to white, recording the texts as there are some empty white areas, I will also be changing the font of the title and the colour of the floating quote.

Double Page Drafts 1

This is my first draft of my double page spread. some amendments can clearly be made such as changing the colour of the floating quote to suit the mood of the page or the font of the main title so it differentiate itself from the text’s, also try and create a background and see how that looks.

Monday 4 April 2011

Production log

Having now completed my contents page I will be making a start on my double page spread I have already given in my article which has not been marked by my teacher and read over by a friend. Above I have posted my finished article along with any corrections made in another colour. I have learnt that this process of designing a bag is very time consuming form my front cover and double page I will take this on board and try and finish my double page more efficiently.

Sunday 3 April 2011

Finial Contents Page

This is my finial contents page in this one i have made all the necessary aments I have cheeked for any spelling errors, I have also added and edited another image. This image is of a male artist at a mixing task I have chosen to add this image in at the last minute as I felt that the magazine looks as though it was geared towards females only which is not the case as my target market in mind were males and females.